Friday, December 20, 2019

Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic Steroids Are A Complex Molecule

Anabolic Steroids Anabolic steroids are a complex molecule used to trick the mind into thinking that testosterone is being produced. An American doctor in the 1930s developed anabolic steroids for the use of â€Å"building body tissue and preventing the breakdown of tissue† (â€Å"Athletes and Steroids†). An FDA review later failed to find evidence that these anabolic steroids had positive effects for those purposes. As time went on people found that steroids increase muscle mass significantly, and they began to abuse that power. Many athletes began to join in, creating a dilemma not only for their health issues but for the game itself. Many athletes have broken records, won awards, and achieved goals they would not have achieved if they didn t†¦show more content†¦Once the mind is thinking testosterone is being produced the body can then start the building of muscle tissue. The rapid rate of which the tissue is building is why people are so attracted to this chemical. You can pump iron for a year and a person who took steroids would be as big, if not bigger, in a fraction of that time. The amount of testosterone that is produced naturally is in quantities of 2.5 to 10 mg daily (â€Å"Athletes and Steroids†). Those who use steroids regularly take them in a method called stacking, which consist of taking multiple types of steroids on top of eachother for a combination of quantities reaching 100 mg or more.(â€Å"Athletes and Steroids†). Very high levels of testosterone lead to risks of endless side effects such as liver failure, acne, and much more. In female cases, anabolic steroids can develop masculine characteristics such as balding, deepened voice, and facial hair. Many men have reported cases of breast enlargement. Awareness of these kinds of outbreaks started when communist athletes in the 1950s used so much of it that they developed enlarged prostates. They then later had to be catheterized to be able to urinate. Anabolic steroids can also cause very intense mood swings, known as â€Å"roid rage†. The most commonly found side effect in adolescence is stunted growth. The body sensesShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Effects of Testosterone and Steroids 1404 Words   |  6 PagesAnabolic-androgenic steroid is a family of lipophilic hormone that derived from cholesterol, which includes the natural male hormone testosterone and its synthetic derivatives, such as nandrolone and androsterone (Janjic et al. 2012; Basile et al. 2013). Testosterone is the principle molecule that possesses both anabolic and androgenic properties, which semantically refers to the ability to stimulate the synthesis of complex biological molecules and the growth of masculine characteristics respectivelyRead MoreAbstract. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Are Ergogenic Resources1723 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are ergogenic resources commonly used by athletes in search of better achievement performances. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Asic V Vines Corporations Law Introductory Sample

Question: Discuss about the Corporations Law: Asic V Vines. Answer: Introduction ASIC v Vines is one of the leading cases on the duties and responsibilities of an officer of a company. There have been several developments in the law ever since the first judgment in this regard (, 2016). The facts indicate that AMP has announced a hostile takeover bid for GIO Australia. Mr. Vines was the CFO of GIO and was also a member of the adequate diligence panel that was established to respond to the AMPs bid. Though profits were forecasted in the matter, yet because of a catastrophe in America, this margin substantially reduced. Mr. Vines was aware that the situation was tight in Australia, yet he took a bid and expected that the increase would not be beyond $60-$65 million although, at the time when he made the bid, the increase had already reached $74 million. The offer was closed with 57% of shareholders acceding to it. The exceeded amount though not known to Mr. Vines was known to some of the people in AMP. Subsequently, ASIC sought declarations that Mr. Vines had breached his statutory duties of showing care and diligence in the dissipation of his functions as an officer of the company (Ahern, 2011). The care and diligence duty has been given in Section 232(4) of the Corporations Act. The present Corporations Act 2001 has included this in Section 180(1). It was contended by Mr. Vines that the degree of negligence that was needed to establish a breach of statutory duty was higher than that which was required to be proved either in tort or common law. This was rejected by the Court of Appeal unanimously, and the decision as delivered by Austin J established the requisite standard of care required (Cassel, 2016). It was established that the degree of negligence that was needed to establish a breach of statutory duties was dependent on the context of the statute that was breached. This meant that in the case of a criminal case, a higher degree of negligence would have to be proved; on the other hand, in civil cases and like in the Corporations Law, a civil penalty could have been imposed. To establish and demonstrate a higher degree of seriousness, a penalty should be imposed (Jacobson and Jacobson, 2007). A man who has broken the statutory obligation may just be precluded from dealing with an organization if the Court is additionally fulfilled that the individual is not a fit and appropriate individual to do as such. These contemplations drove the Court to presume that the statutory obligation of consideration and constancy includes a level of the carelessness of no higher request than that forced at precedent-based law. The Court of Appeal found that, in agreement with the precedent-based la w test, the standard to be connected is that of a sensible officer in the conditions. What a sensible officer would do in light of a danger relies on upon the greatness of the danger and the likelihood of its event, measured against the cost, trouble and burden of making an easing move, and any clashing obligations the officer may have (Gottschalk, 2016). It was established that the honesty defenses took in this regard under Section 1317JA, and 1318 should be relied on. Mr. Vines indeed did not have access to any information on which he could rely to gather information from the shareholders. Moreover, the disclosures would have been material for the board when important decisions were being taken. Mr. Vines made no unqualified statements and even if he made certain statements, he did not contravene his duty of care because e they were made under the shoes of a management confidence in the GIO Re profit forecast. Mr. Vines, in fact, acted honestly in the matter, and he had no clue of the raised amounts. He, in fact, took care and diligence, and the profit forecast that was made by him in Part B was of the significant consequence for a fully knowledgeable business composition in a setting that was supporting an antagonistic takeover (Lowry, 2012). The investors need to be protected, and the targeted shareholders make sure that by endeav oring that the information that is provided to them is accurate and completed on its own. Mr. Vines had thus provided the accurate information, and it was beyond his control if the market situation moves towards a worse side. Thus, liability on Mr. Vines was relieved. References: Ahern, D. (2011). Guiding Principles for Directorial Conflicts of Interest: Re Allied Business and Financial Consultants Ltd; O'Donnell v Shanahan.The Modern Law Review, 74(4), pp.596-607. (2016).Allens: Publication: Focus: Implications of Vines v ASIC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016]. Cassel, D. (2016). Outlining the Case for a Common Law Duty of Care of Business to Exercise Human Rights Due Diligence.Business and Human Rights Journal, 1(02), pp.179-202. Gottschalk, J. (2016). Defining Fiduciary Duties in a Majority Nonlawyer-Owned Law Firm: How Allowing Nonlawyer Owners Could Impact State Requirements of Director Fiduciary Duties.SSRN Electronic Journal. Jacobson, D. and Jacobson, D. (2007).ASIC v Vines appeal decided - Australian financial services law and credit law from Bright Law. [online] Australian financial services law and credit law from Bright Law. Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016]. Lowry, J. (2012). The Irreducible Core of the Duty of Care, Skill and Diligence of Company Directors: Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey.Mod. L. Rev., 75(2), pp.249-260.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Sweat And Yellow Wallpaper Final free essay sample

However, they also challenged these notions in order to survive and overcome the hardships in their lives. In Sweat, Delia worked as a washman in order to provide for her family. In the early 1 sass, most women in this time period stayed home. However, Delia was the sole financial provider of her household. Her husband, Sykes, didnt work at all and also challenged social norms of the time by freely spending the money that his wife earned.Since Delia had married someone who threw out social customs and rules in order to live an easy life, she had no choice but to also go against these artificial social constructs in order to support herself. The dirt that was scrubbed out of the laundry and the money that she earned knew no gender ND she too ignored what stood in her way of survival. Since Delis job took much of her time and energy, she often gave herself a head start by soaking the soiled clothes that she had picked up the day before when she returned from church. We will write a custom essay sample on Sweat And Yellow Wallpaper Final or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although it was against the Sabbath to work on a Sunday, Delia again ignored social norms and customs of the time in order to survive the workweek. Sykes would say that she was nothing but a hypocrite. One of them amen-corner Christians- sing whoop, and shout, then come home and wash white folks clothes on the Sabbath (Hurst 699)1. This is ironic for Sykes to say while he breaks the law of Christianity for his own pleasure, by having an affair with another woman. The narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper is also controlled by similar social norms and restrictions.As a woman who was perceived to be sick, her opinions and feelings were ignored and she was forced to follow the medical advice of her husband, a practicing physician. Modern medical practice placed much significance on the feelings and needs of the patient. However, during the time period that the woman in The Yellow Wallpaper lived in, the patient was seen as an inferior entity that was not as knowledgeable as the medical team that was treating them. The husband being a doctor was symbolic of authority that men often had over women.His position as a physician elevated him to a much higher level than his default position as a husband. Without actually paying attention to what he was prescribing and saying those around him, including his wife, blindly followed. This significance of positions in society greatly influences the woman as she is less keen to challenge anything her husband says, regardless of how miserable she feels. Also challenging the common notion of her time that a Oman, especially one who was suffering from a nervous depression, should not think too much.She describes in her writings her feelings when her husband approaches her room, There comes John, and I must put this away, he hates to have me write a word (Gillian 747)2. While her husband didnt want her to engage in high cognitive thinking, the woman secretly kept a journal and wrote her feelings and detailed descriptions of her thoughts. Her writings in her journal are symbolic of the freedom that she yearns to have. Unlike her life in which she is not allowed to socialize, go out or even choose what room she stays in. Instead of being allowed to let her creativity flow in her writing, she turned to the wallpaper as a way out of her mundane and stifling lifestyle. Delia Jones and the woman in The Yellow Wallpaper are two characters who worked with and against the social constructs of their time, as well as the figures of authority in their lives in order to overcome their hardships. While Delia worked hard to support herself, the woman in The Yellow Wallpaper attempted to stay sane and healthy. Their struggles, successes, and failures were all influenced by society and the people who had power in their lives, especially their own selves.